DT_INTS-14  (Execution Order)

The Interrupt Handlers are executed in the same Order they are listed in the INT_LIST macro.

If something needs to be done Immediately after the interrupt occurs, then it should be placed at the top of the list.  This might include capturing a Timer value or turning an Output ON etc.

Any interrupt source can have either an ASM or a PBP type of Handler.  In fact, a single interrupt source might have both. You might place an ASM handler at the top of the list, and then have a PBP handler further down the list.  This way you can capture a value immediately, and then process it later when it's not critical. Just make sure that the first one does NOT reset the interrupt Flag, or the second one will not execute.

Here's a simple example of what it might look like.

Example 4:

INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
        INT_Handler   CCP1_INT,  Pre_SQ_wave,   ASM, no
        INT_Handler   TMR0_INT,  int_handler,   ASM, yes
        INT_Handler   TMR1_INT,  _T1_ovrFlow,   PBP, yes
        INT_Handler   CCP1_INT,     _SQ_wave,   PBP, yes
    INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor